

Many people would never dream of walking into a store and stealing a CD or a DVD.
为什么? 因为这是违法的. 然而,许多人并不持同样的态度 about downloading music or movies from the Internet without paying for them. 简单的 fact is that stealing is stealing; regardless of whether it is done physically or 几乎.

The 数字千年版权法 (DMCA) of 1998 is a federal law that is designed to protect copyright holders from online theft—that is, from the unlawful reproduction 或者他们作品的发行. DMCA涵盖了音乐,电影,文字以及任何 是有版权的. 更重要的是,法律牵涉到你,因为这是个好机会 你可能违反了法律,即使你没有意识到.

If you have downloaded copyright-protected files without paying for them then, quite 很简单,你触犯了法律. 如果你已经刻录了你下载的音乐 制作成CD送给你的朋友,那么你就触犯了法律. 如果你已经下载了 a movie on your computer to watch, then (you guessed it) you've broken the law.


  • Somebody e-mails copyrighted material to you and, in turn, you forward it to one or 更多的朋友.
  • You make an MP3 copy of a song from a CD that you bought (purchasers are expressly permitted to do so) but subsequently make the MP3 file(s) available on the Internet 使用文件共享网络.
  • You join a file-sharing network and download unauthorized copies of copyrighted material 您希望从其他网络成员的计算机中获取.
  • To gain access to copyrighted material on the computers of other network members, you pay a fee to join a file-sharing network that is not authorized to distribute 或者复制受版权保护的材料. 然后你下载未经授权的材料.
  • 您使用即时通讯服务传输受版权保护的材料.
  • You have a computer with a CD burner that you use to burn copies of music you have downloaded onto writable CDs which you then distribute to your friends.

A simple rule of thumb to help you identify which materials are protected by copyright and which are not: If you would typically pay for it, then it 可能是受保护的. If it's a movie from the theatre, a DVD or a tape, then it 可能是受保护的. If it is a song from the radio or one that you would buy at a music store, then it 可能是受保护的.

If you are using Wilkes Network (WilkesNet), the University is your registered Internet 服务提供商(ISP). DMCA要求互联网服务提供商删除或阻止访问受版权保护的 materials in a timely fashion when notified that subscribers are sharing copyrighted 跨网络的文件.

Complaints arrive directly from software, music and motion picture associations, copyright holders and law firms, all of whom have employees whose sole job is to search 对于网络,服务器和机器上的版权材料. 


As supported by the 接受able Use Policy, the use of University resources, including the entirety of the Wilkes Network (WilkesNet), University-owned computers, University-provided online storage (such as world wide web hosting), and University Internet directories, for the purpose of illegally distributing copyrighted 作品 is prohibited.

Upon receipt of a legally submitted 请注意, as defined in Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Information Technology Services (ITS) will act immediately to comply with the DMCA's safe harbor for Internet Service Providers provision. 这些 actions shall collectively be referred to as "compliance measures" and may include 下列任何一项:

  • Disabling access to the Wilkes network (WilkesNet) from the cited computer.
  • 禁止访问任何网站或在线存储空间.
  • Removal of any directory listings, such as web links, to the allegedly infringing 作品.
  • Any other action necessary with respect to "blocking or disabling access to the alleged 根据DMCA第512条的要求,“侵权作品”.

Upon enacting "compliance measures", ITS will identify the source of the alleged infringement and take appropriate actions to ensure that the illegal acts do not continue.

When a complaint is received, ITS tracks down the location of the infringement, and 禁用该位置或设备的网络访问. 然后ITS尝试识别 并告知业主采取此行动的原因. 船主得到 反驳或承认侵权的机会. 违规者被指示 cease sharing all copyrighted materials and are issued a warning that the behavior 违反了AUP的计算(以及联邦法律). 学生违规 通知学生事务. 教职员工的违规行为将提交给院长, 部门主管和/或部门主席.

In addition to University 处罚, DMCA violations may carry heavy civil and criminal 处罚. 例如,民事处罚包括损害赔偿金和律师费. 最低 罚款是每个下载文件750美元. 刑事处罚,即使是初犯者, 可以是严厉的:最高25万美元的罚款和5年监禁. 除非配上 a subpoena as required under the DMCA, the University does not release the names of (or any personal information about) subscribers in the process of servicing a DMCA 请注意.

In many of the cases that ITS handles, violators claim to be unaware that they were distributing (as opposed to downloading, which can also be illegal) copyrighted 作品 通过推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的网络. 这是由于文件共享程序这样的设计 如Kazaa、BitTorrent等.

When first installed on a desktop, these peer-to-peer programs typically open "share 点”在用户的计算机上. 这些共享点允许任何人共享文件 网络从您的计算机下载文件. 如果你正在使用这些程序中的任何一个, you can configure them so that your files are private and not accessible by other 网络上的个人. 


Wilkes faculty, staff and students have access to a wide variety of technology. 大多数 没有它,我们中的许多人就无法工作或完成学业. 然而,事实是 that a certain type of technology exists doesn't mean that it is ethical to use it 以任何与预期不同的方式. 文件共享程序,dvd拷贝程序 and the like allow you to do many things, but using them to distribute copyrighted material that you do not own is illegal and an inappropriate use of University resources.

The DMCA is designed to protect artists from something that everyone can agree is 错误-盗窃. 归结起来就是:如果你未经授权制作或分发 copies of copyrighted material you are breaking a federal law and could face severe 如果被抓住,将受到民事或刑事处罚. 如果你有受版权保护的材料 computer and need assistance removing it, call the Help Desk at 1-866-264-1462.